Core Presentations
Below you will find a number of videos, Power Point presentations and pdf's designed to help you better understand aspects of the Common Core Standards and their implementation.
David Coleman: Bringing the Common Core to Life (video)
Common Core Standards: A Statewide Dialogue - NYSED (PowerPoint)
Lisa Carter: Total Instructional Alignment
Six Traits of Writing and the Common Core Connection
Implementation of the Common Core Math Standards - NYSED (PowerPoint)
Achieving the Common Core in ELA
Achieving the Common Core in Math
Comparison of the NYS ELA Standards and the New Common Core
David Coleman: Bringing the Common Core to Life (video)
Common Core Standards: A Statewide Dialogue - NYSED (PowerPoint)
Lisa Carter: Total Instructional Alignment
Six Traits of Writing and the Common Core Connection
Implementation of the Common Core Math Standards - NYSED (PowerPoint)
Achieving the Common Core in ELA
Achieving the Common Core in Math
Comparison of the NYS ELA Standards and the New Common Core